
A Coronavirus Disease

We have seen the coming of a dangerous viral infection technically named Covid-19 19. More than 10 million people have caught the infection and there are more than a million deaths. Almost all the countries of the world are suffering from the disease. It is a new viral disease and we have no tested medicine's for the same. So, we must take care not to get infected. Since, it affects respiratory system, we must use masks. We must wash our hands throughly a number of times with soap and water and to maintain a safe distance of two meters. We will soon have a vaccine for the disease. Till then, we must be very, very careful.

A strange disease has spread all over the world. It is named as COVID-19. It is a viral disease caused by corona virus. It started first in China. Since the whole world is now well connected and there is a lot of International travel the disease was carried to other countries also. It appeared very quickly and infected many people. 

It is a new disease which affects the respiratory system. A patient has fever, cough and cold. Since no medicine is available, doctors are trying various combination of medicines. The virus, goes from man to man when one sneezes. It may also go to a healthy person through touch. Once a person is affected it may take from seven to fourteen days for full recovery. 

The best way is to take precautions. In places where there are many patients,  lockdown has been ordered. We must wear masks and keep a safe distance of two meters from other persons. 

In India too, we have more than 25 lac. people. However, the recovery rate is good. If we take precautions we may defeat the disease.  We must be patient till proper medicine is found.