Corruption In India 

Corruption a deep-rooted menace, that has eaten into the vitals of our society There is hardly any sphere of social, economic, political and religious activity that is free corruption of some kind corruption has become so common that most of the people have come to accept it as part of their life.

Bribery and corruption has increased greatly after 1947. The growth of democracy and industry's, the system of licenses and permits for setting up enterprises, securing quotas of law materials imports and exports and expansion of trade the commerce is responsible for the increase in corruption. Stringent laws against corruption have proved to be effective in curbing this evil.

Corruption flourished as long as there who are people who are prepared to give bribes and others who are prepared to accept it. Directly or indirectly. Each one of us has a weakness for easy money. People are prepared to do anything or stoop to any extent of taking graft in order to maintain their so-called standards of living. People who indulged in corruption maintain double standards. On the one hand accept bribe and on the other they urge people to be honest and pure. Such hypocrisy compound's the offence. 

It is not difficult to locate causes of corruption. Corruption generally breeds at the top and then gradually filter's down to the lower levels. Gone are die days when people who joined politics were fired by die spirit of serving the nation. Those who suffered for the sake of getting their country freed from the foreigners, knew only how to make sacrifice. They had never expected compensation for their sacrifice. Those were the times when only the selfless people joined politics. But unfortunately, the present day politics has become a business like any other business. The modern politician's are no longer motivated by any lofty ideals. In order to win elections, they spend huge sums of money with the hope that after they are elected, they would recover much love more than what they had spent. When the people in power indulge in unscrupulous practices, a common man also indulged freely. 

Government after government have made promises to root out corruption from our public life but this evil has persisted of course, there are honest officials but they are minority. Let us a nation, contemplate seriously as to what will happen when our public life is loaded with corruption. A certain amount of introspection by those who are in power can only initiate the process of minimizing the evil of corruption in our country. If the public in general is indifferent, corruption would continue to grow us like cancer.