The Need And Value of

Physical Exercises

Introduction : Life is a great struggle in many ways. Man has to fight against disease, poverty, misfortunes and so many other trouble. The best way to fight these strong enemies is to possess a sound health. Thus physical fitness is the first duty of all men.

Advantages of Physical Exercise : Proper and regular exercise is one of the best means to attain physical fitness. Some people believe that medicine and tonic maintain sound health. No mistake can be greater than this belief Tonic and medicine provide temporary energy. Real and lasting energy cannot be got from them.

It is physical training alone that can make us healthy and energetic. It is a cure for almost all bodily ills and weakness. Physical culture i.e., proper development o the body, has become a regular science. Even the greatest doctors of the world admit that certain chronic diseases like constipation or asthma can be cured only through physical exercise and medical treatment. Even bad eyesight is restored to normal through certain exercise for the eye. Many Indian 'Asanas' are famous for their healthy effects on the human body.

Forms of physical exercise. Their relative value : What kind of  physical exercise is best is a matter of  opinion. Some people regards the Indian system of physical exercises harmful for the body. On the other hand, they are all praise for Western physical exercise and sports and games. It is not possible to discuss in retail the relative value of these two systems. One things, homever, is certain. No system can be either wholly perfect or wholly useless. Moreover, what is suited for the people of the West is not necessarily good for the people of East. On the other hand, every form of physical exercise is based on some scientific principal and hence it must do some good 'o the body.

Thus the thing that rally matters is physical exercise, no matter whats its form is. What is wanted is sounds health, vigour and energy. Unfortunately we do not pay enough attention to physical fitness.

Value of physical fitness for nation : It is difficult to discuss the value of physical fitness. Its importance for the individual has already been pointed out. But its value for the nation is even greater. Today Indian needs strong and healthy citizens to gouard her newly won freedom. She has her enemies. Only if her people re strong she can preserve her freedom. We should not forget that a nation of weaklings is domed to ve the slave of others.

Conclusion : Physical health  is useful in every walk of life. for example , great intellectual achievements re not possible, without good health. " A sound mind   in a sound body" is a well-knows saying. Again a sound body does not mean a sturdy body like that fo Gama. To conclude, physical fitness is both a necessity and a blessing.