My Idea Of A Happy Life 

Introduction : We all wish to live a happy life. But few can tell how to get happiness in this world. Experience teaches us that unmixed happiness is not a thing of this world.

Value of money : In many opinion a happy life means that life means that life which is free from cares and warriors. This freedom from care cannot be got by plenty of money. That we can have by a habit of mind. Many people are found worrying for small things. Many of us worry about the trouble of the future that have not come and may never come.

Money is a necessary thing but it is not the thing to make us happy. We see millionaires passing sleepless night without any physical trouble. I want money so that I way run my life smoothly. More money I do not like to have.

Health : I want to health. A sick man can never be happy. His life is miserable an wishes to die rather than live. HE cannot work to earn his bread and will have ories for future. A man with a sound health is happy even if he is poor. He works hard and sleeps soundly. He gets good appetite and takes delight in simple food. His work gives him joy. He is happy.

Contentment : I want to possess few things in the world. I know that any number of things cannot make a man happy. The more things a man has, the more he wishes to have. He is never satisfied. Midas was not happy with all his gold because he was not contented. Blacksmith is happy because he is contented with his poor earning. Hence a happy man should be contented.

Honest life. love and duty : To be really happy, man should have a truthful ans honest life. He should help his fellow men in trouble and love them. Such a man should be loved and respected by other and he will be happy. A man who hates other and envies his neighbours, can never be happy. To be guide by love in all the actions is the key to happiness.  We should love and fear God. We should have faith in Him and should pray to Him. Thus we should live and do our duty not for reward but because it is our duty.

Conclusion : Thus we see that a happy maa is he who has just enough to eat and to feed others, who enjoys a sound health and is contented, who lives an honest and truthful life and who does  his duty with faith in God and love for his fellow men. Such is my idea of happy life.