A Flight By An Aeroplan 

Introduction : In September last, my father went to Delhi from Allahabad by a plane. He had to attend the meeting of the Parliament. I requested him to take me with him. He agreed. I was very much pleased.

The aerodrome : My father is an M.P. went in a car from Allahabad to aerodrum in the morning. Our seats had already been reserved. I was much pleased to see the aerodrum. I was a number of aeroplan there. Once aeroplan just came to the ground. People got down from it. Some were being cleaned and repaired. Our plane was ready for the fight.

The aeroplane : Our luggage was put in the plane. We entered it. I wondered too see the plan. I had seen the plane. I had seen the plane from a distance. I never thought that it was so big. The plane was standing on wheels. It had two large wings. There were cushioned seats inside. There were windows and also holes at the floor to see through. We took our seats.

Feelings, sight and experience : Just at 8 o'clock the pilot started the engine. The plane to more on the ground. It left the ground. It rose higher. I was filled with joy as well as fear.

I looked down through the holes. I saw towns, villages, trees and field passing below. The houses and trees looked very small. The men and animals looked like small dots. I was given a small spy-glass to see through it. Now I could see everything clearly. The wind was roaring and plane was flying at the rate of 400 Kilometers an hour. It was pleasant to fly over towns and cities like the birds. Though it was not on the land,  but it was cool in the plane.

I asked my father some questions about the plane. My father gave short answers. But one of the passengers knew all about machines. He saw my curiosity. He explained everything in details. I was pleased to know so many new things about the plane.

I saw the big city of Kanpur. I caught sight of the clouds of smoke rising from chimneys. But we could see only the tops. We then passed over the towers of The Taj Mahal and Fort of Area. Our plane did not stop at any place like train. Very soon large buildings came in to my sight. I asked my father what that city was. I was surprised t know that it was Delhi. I had never expected to reach Delhi so soon. In a few minutes our plane began to take round and. Very soon it came down on the ground. We reached Delhi in two hours.

Conclusion : I got  down. I saw Indira Gandhi airport. It was very big. I was very happy at the and of my flight.