Mahatma Gandhi

Introduction: Mahatma Gandhi's name is on the lips of everybody. He was the greatest man not only of India but of the world also. He was the father of the nation. We generally call him Bapu.

His Birth and  Parentage: Mahatma Gandhi was born at Porbandar in Kathiawar in the year of 1869 on 2nd October. His father, Kaba Gandhi was the Diwan of Rajkot State. His mother was a noble and pious lady.

His Education: At the age of seven he was sent to school. At school he proved to be only an average boy. He was always regular and punctual in his class. After passing his Matriculation Examination he studied at college. Then he went to England to study law.

Practice as a Lawyer: He started his practise at Bombay. But he did not do well. Then he went to Rajkot. He was not a successful lawyer.

In Africa: He went to Africa to conduct a big law suit in a court. There he saw the bad condition of Indians. He put up a brave fight for their rights. He founded Natal Indian Congress. He was jailed with his friends. In 1914 the Indian Relief Act was passed. This bettered the lot of Indians.

His Political work in India: Gandhi returned to India. He joined the Congress. He became its leader. Under his leadership the Congress started non-violence and the non-cooperation movements to oppose the unjust acts of the British Government. Side by side he Hindu-Muslim Unity At last India became free on the 15th of August 1947.

His Death: Gandhiji's end came all of a sudden. He was shot dead by a thoughtless youngman. He died on 30th January,1948.

His Character: Gandhiji was a deeply religious man. He taught and practise truth. He lived a very simple life. He had great love for the poor. He lived a very simple life. He bad great love for the poor. He followed the path of truth and Ahimsa. He was a great sain.

Conclusion: Gandhiji was a great teacher, preacher, thinker and a soldier. He remembered and respected by the world for ever. The finest tribute paid to him was from General Smuts who called him "a prince among men" 

May his soul rest in peace! May his teaching show the right to humanity of the day!