Electricity in Life

Introduction: Electricity is a great wonder of science. Modern life is not possible without electricity. It has really invaded all fields of human life.

Electricity in Household Works: A housewife uses various uses gadgets which run on electricity. She uses oven, fridge, mixer, washing,-machine and electric iron. All these make her work easy. The fans, coolers and us from severe weather conditions. They add to our comfort.

We use radio, T.V.,C.D, player and V.C.Ps. They entertain us and enrich knowledge. They help us to pass time.

Electricity outside the House: A doctor today uses many scientific instruments. They run on knowledge. X-ray and E.C.G. etc. help the doctor to diagnose diseases. Micro-surgery is possible only with the help of sensitive-electronic apparatus.

Trains run on electricity. Roads are lighted by it. Factories that produce consumer goods for us are run on electricity. Buses, cars and scooters have electronic parts. Multi-story building have lifts. Banks use electronic alarms to safeguard our money.

Farmers use pumps and other machines which run on electricity.

Conclusion: There is not a field of life where electricity is not used. In fact, its excessive use has brought about the problem of its shortage.

We however hope that alternative sources of electricity will be discovered and life would continue to move as happily as ever.